Adult > Child Ratio
Our children are grouped into age groups of up to 20 children in a similar school year. Each group has 2 members of staff of suitable training/experience to look after the group. At least one of these memebers are First Aid Trained.
Everyone who has applied to join Playhouse Theatre Company will receive a 'Photography and Filming Consent Form'. Which allows us to take photos and videos during classes and rehearsals to put on social media, websites, news publications and promotional materials.
We are committed to positive behaviour management and use a 3 warning system for children and adults. The first incident will be a verbal warning, the second incident will be formal warning and the third incident will be final warning and potential removal from Playhouse Theatre Company and may result in a permanent dismissal from the company.
Playhouse Theatre Company Safeguarding Policy
Playhouse Theatre Company Behaviour Policy
Playhouse Theatre Company photo/filming
Playhouse Theatre Company Anti-Bullying
Playhouse Theatre Company Risk Assessment
Playhouse Theatre Company H&S